My Saving's my Way

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Saving Star

So my local store does the e-coupon's. Somewhere online awhile back I saw a review on saving star, so I decieded to check into it. When planning my shopping trip I found one item on there i was getting so I added it to my card. Unlike regular e-coupon's that amount is not taken off your shopping total insted its added to your saving account and once you reach $5.00 you can cash out in a number of way's. Me personally im saving for the amazon gift card. My review on the site it takes awhile for the amount to be added think it depend's on when the store send's it in or whatever they do. it took 1 month for the $1 to be added that I used one of their coupons for coffee creamer. I got my email today that it was credited.

I am going to continue to use this site. Even tho it takes time for it to be credited I think it will be worth it so I can use those credits when I choose the amazon gift card credit since I love to read. I can get books free this way.

Currently there are 29 coupon's available to use. ranging from food, juice, pets and more.

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