My Saving's my Way

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Freezing Away

So if you do not know this time of year I love to freeze allot of thing's. Currenly I am finish up 10 dozen corn. Did 7 allready just 3 to go on top of the 2 I did a few week's ago.. It's alot of work but very much worth it in the winter when we cannot buy corn from the local farm we go to. They have the best corn EVER lol (himmel farm, carrolltown). This also saves allot of money insted of buying it at the store as long as you buy on a day the price is low..

I'm also hoping we find a you pick apple place for girl's scouts to bring the girls to so I can get some to turn into apple sauce and can. (I am the assistant leader of my daughters Daisy troop)..

Does anyone have any similar things they do? be it to have a product you love year round, save money, enjoy the process. If so what do you do and why?


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